Who am I?
I'm Shaurya Singhal 🇮🇳
Experience/Achievements/Recent Failures
- Working as a Sénior Software Engineer @Info Edge Ltd. (naukri.com -> naukri-campus)
- I completed my M.C.A Computer Science from the University of Delhi, Department of Computer Science.
- Open source contributor at
- @react-native-elements : Last Contribution in 2021 end, 9 Merged PRs + 1 Merged PRs , 5+ Pending PR so far.
- @codingBlocks : Last Contribution in 2020. 12 Merged PRs so far.
- Cleared Gate'21 with AIR 2547.
- Ranked 632 in Google Roung H 2022, Google Kickstart.
- Ranked 1057 in Biweekly Contest 128, Leetcode.
- Udacity Nanodegree Graduate | React
- Recent Failure: GSOC'21. Couldn't get a slot. Will try again someday💎 as now it is open to everyone and not just students.
About me
- 🔭 I’m currently working on C++, Data Structures & Algorithms, developing skills, JavaScript, side projects, and open-source.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning anything related to Javascript, GraphQL, React, Competitive Programming, and Problem Solving.
- 🤔 Anyone looking for help can reach out.
- 📫 How to contact me: Feel free to email me at: shauryasinghal84@gmail.com
- 📫 Visit my Portfolio - https://jugshaurya.vercel.app/
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love JavaScript❤️ but am currently in relationship with C++.🤣
🔝 Top Contributed Repo / Opensource
Notes to quickly revise vaious Topics
visit my notes website @https://notes.jugshaurya.in/.
- Algorithms
- Graph Theory + Programming
- Advance DS for CP
- Game Theory
- Dynamic Programming
- Maths & Aptitude
- Interview Question List
- Gatsby
- Postgresql
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Skills/Languages and Tools
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- Correct @github